Planet Cheltenham
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Who are we?

Planet Cheltenham is an initiative to help prepare people for the changes that will be needed if we are to successfully build a sustainable and resilient society living in a warmer world. As can be seen in the next video:

Our Eco-Hub

Our aim is to convert an old single story workshop into a two story Eco-Hub that will act as a base for our Youth Climate Group and other environmental activities, as well as to act as an exemplar project on how to create a sustainable building.

Our programme will involve: 


In doing so, we hope to:
How can you get involved?

Youth climate Group

Climate Change Makers

People Planet Pint

Annecy Gardens

Our Initiatives

Chelt Zero landscape




Recent News

People Planet Pint

Come along to our regular social gathering at the local Deya brewery to meet like minded people, not to mention the first 30 get a FREE pint.

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Eco-Hub Update

We had tremendous support from the public and private organisations withour first venture into crowdfunding. Our target was £10,000, but when Gift Aid has been added we achieved afantastic £12,000 in under a week. A big thank you goes to everyone whodonated, whether it was a large or small amount, but we wouldparticularly like to than the Big Give who guaranteed to double thefirst £5,000 raised. If you would like to make a financial donation towards Vision 21 and thePlanet Cheltenham initiative, click on the ‘DONATE by Paypal’ button at the top of the page.

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