
Leave a gift in your will

When you leave a gift in your will to Vision 21, you are helping us to safeguard the future for the coming generations.

What can you leave to Vision 21

Gifts in will FAQ

It’s really important to have a Will and everyone should have an up-to-date one.

A Will is a way of looking after the people, causes and charities that you care about after you’ve died. It’s the only way to ensure your wishes are carried out. If you die without a Will, you die intestate – this can cause added stress and financial cost to your loved ones.

Many people choose to make or update their Will on the incidence of key life events, such as:

  1. Buying a house
  2. Having a child
  3. Getting married or divorced.


If you don’t have an up-to-date Will, the best time to make one is now. It will give you the peace of mind that you’ve provided for your loved ones, and the causes you believe in are honoured too

Every single gift left to Vision 21, no matter how large or small, is precious to us.

In these uncertain times your legacy gift is more important today than ever before. 


We hugely appreciate every gift we receive and thank you for considering leaving a gift in your Will to Vision 21.

We will use your gift in one of two ways, Firstly, it may be used to support our on-going community initiatives or, secondly, we may use it in the development of a new initiative or specific project.

Vision 21 has a tested system of checks and balances to ensure proper use of funds. As a charity, we send an annual report to the Charity Commission about how we raise money and how it’s spent in furthering our vision of a fairer and sustainable world.

You’re free to change your mind at any time. You can remove or re-add Vision 21 Gloucestershire to your Will by simply amending your Will through the ordinary avenues. There’s no obligation to let us know.

If you do decide to leave a gift to Vision 21 in your Will, there are three main options.

  • A percentage of your ‘estate’ (basically, the combined value of everything you’re leaving behind)
  • A specific sum
  • A specific item

Depending on which gift you’d like to leave, you can ask your solicitor to use one of the following texts:

For a share of your estate (residuary legacy): I give all/a share of (please state fraction/percentage) of the residue of my estate absolutely to Vision 21 Gloucestershire, The Eco-Hub, Malthouse Lane, Cheltenham, GL50 4EY. Registered Charity Number 1083642, to be applied by Vision 21 Gloucestershire for its general charitable purposes, and I further direct that the receipt of the Hon. Treasurer or any other proper officer of Vision 21 Gloucestershire for the time being shall be sufficient discharge to my executors.

For a specific sum (pecuniary legacy): I give to Vision 21 Gloucestershire, The Eco-Hub, Malthouse Lane, Cheltenham, GL50 4EY. Registered Charity Number 1083642 absolutely, the sum of (amount in figures, amount in words) to be applied by Vision 21 for its general charitable purposes, and I further direct that the receipt of the Hon. Treasurer or any other proper officer of Vision 21 for the time being shall be sufficient discharge to my executors.

For a specific item: I give to Vision 21 Gloucestershire, The Eco-Hub, Malthouse Lane, Cheltenham, GL50 4EY. Registered Charity Number 1083642, absolutely, (write in here whatever you wish to give) to be applied by Vision 21 for its general charitable purposes, and I further direct that the receipt of the Hon. Treasurer or any other proper officer of Vision 21 for the time being shall be sufficient discharge to my executo

Our registered address is The Eco-Hub, Malthouse Lane, Cheltenham, GL50 4EY

Our Charity Number is 1083642

If you’ve chosen to remember us in your Will, we’d love to know. That way, we can make sure to thank you properly and keep you informed about how you’re helping to build a fairer world.

You can tell us about your pledge by calling us on 01242 224321 or sending an email to

You can add Vision 21 Gloucestershire to your existing, by informing your solicitor that you wish to amend your existing Will to add a gift to Vision 21 Gloucestershire.

Any other questions?

For any other questions or queries please call us on 01242 24321 to speak with Dave, CEO of Vision 21 or email us